”New Toys”

Author: Barbara E. Magera 

I hear what sounds like hard balls rolling across my kitchen floor. My two puppies are aggressively batting and running after some unknown spherical objects. My husband enters the kitchen and comments on the strange sounds emitted as the pups engage in aggressive play. They dash into the laundry room in hot pursuit of their new toys. They are moving so quickly that I cannot decipher what they are chasing. When I catch up with them, I discover their new toys are my Idaho potatoes. I scoop up one of the spuds while glancing at my kitchen counter. The potatoes, I planned to cook for dinner, are partially chewed and sprawled all over my floor. One of the pups, an avid jumper, most likely snatched the potato bag off the kitchen counter. Then, the canine thieves shredded the plastic bag. All sizes of baking potatoes are strewn on the kitchen and laundry room floors. I notice they extended their fun by gnawing on nearly all the spuds. 

The pups are not giving up their new toys easily as I pry their little jaws off the spuds. To distract them, I throw several favorite knot balls around the room but they remain steadfast staring at me. Their sad dark eyes speak to me as if to say “Mom, why are you ruining our fun with Mr. Potato head.” My husband and I chuckle as we comment about their playful creativeness. I quickly change my dinner menu from baked potatoes to include Parmesan pasta. Tonight’s puppy antics make us realize the joy and fun only puppies can bring to our lives.

Barbara E. Magera MD, PharmD, MMM is a Cavalier breeder, exhibitor and fancier (Caracaleeb), photographer & writer who lives and practices medicine in Charleston, South Carolina.She is the creator and owner of the “Canine Scribbles” blog.

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